The musical workshop for Beauty and the Beast will be held on Wednesday, January 10th at 6:30 in the auditorium. Come find out how to audition.

Leaving the lab today, beautiful live edge rotational book shelf.

7th Hour Presentations in Ag. Slide decks on display, Padcaster recording so Mrs. Wherley can watch them from home since she’s sick....

Astronomy Club founder presents his donation to the Mahomet-Seymour school board. Fantastic presentation and gift. Well done!

Girls Freshman Basketball v. Mt. Zion has been rescheduled from Tuesday Janaury 30 to Wednesday January 31. 6:00p start time.

THe 12/22 J.V. and Varsity Boys Basketball games at Effingham have been moved up to a 5:00p J.V. start time with Varsity to follow.

Variety Show try-outs will be 1/8 and 1/9 from 3:20-7:30. Students can sign up using the following link: http://signup.com/go/QabTyOq.

Practicing CPR in Mrs. Martin’s Health Education class. A skill that we hope the students never need to know. Mr. Anderson even stopped in for a refresher and then demonstrated what he learned.

#vector design means custom T-shirt making in Intro to Industrial Engineering. #STEM #STEAM #starwars

Senior Podcasting 2017!

FMP - Winter Games! Mentor wrap up!

Teachers are gearing up for a Google Expedition!

Dodgeball tournament champions!! Dodge Daddies vs Dodge Fathers #LLS

Two FMP groups coming together to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - Dodgeball Tournamet for charity.

Details on an upcoming information meeting for Science Olympiad available at this link See Mr. Koker for more details https://goo.gl/bBHXHr

Mr Andrackes construction class working on vinyl siding.

Schedule for the B.C.C Freshman Boys Basketball Tournament is now available.
Click here for more information. https://goo.gl/P2KUcU

The schedule for the 2017 Lincoln Boys Varsity Basektball Thanksgiving Tournament is available here...https://goo.gl/1YYs7L

Bulldog TV will be streaming all Veteran's Day ceremonies this Friday. Watch at http://www.mahometseymour.org/o/high-school/page/bulldog-tv

Fall sports awards tomorrow night. Hope you can join us to recognize our outstanding athletes, including the State Champion Boys XC squad!