The musical workshop for Beauty and the Beast will be held on Wednesday, January 10th at 6:30 in the auditorium. Come find out how to audition.
about 7 years ago, Sra Ericson
Musical Workshop
Leaving the lab today, beautiful live edge rotational book shelf.
about 7 years ago, ERIC ANDRACKE
7th Hour Presentations in Ag. Slide decks on display, Padcaster recording so Mrs. Wherley can watch them from home since she’s sick....
about 7 years ago, Chris Forman
Astronomy Club founder presents his donation to the Mahomet-Seymour school board. Fantastic presentation and gift. Well done!
about 7 years ago, Chris Forman
Will Clodfelder presenting his telescope
Girls Freshman Basketball v. Mt. Zion has been rescheduled from Tuesday Janaury 30 to Wednesday January 31. 6:00p start time.
over 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
THe 12/22 J.V. and Varsity Boys Basketball games at Effingham have been moved up to a 5:00p J.V. start time with Varsity to follow.
over 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
Variety Show try-outs will be 1/8 and 1/9 from 3:20-7:30. Students can sign up using the following link:
over 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
Practicing CPR in Mrs. Martin’s Health Education class. A skill that we hope the students never need to know. Mr. Anderson even stopped in for a refresher and then demonstrated what he learned.
over 7 years ago, Lisa Martin
#vector design means custom T-shirt making in Intro to Industrial Engineering. #STEM #STEAM #starwars
over 7 years ago, Simon Anderson
Senior Podcasting 2017!
over 7 years ago, Chris Forman
FMP - Winter Games! Mentor wrap up!
over 7 years ago, ERIC ANDRACKE
Teachers are gearing up for a Google Expedition!
over 7 years ago, Chris Forman
Dodgeball tournament champions!! Dodge Daddies vs Dodge Fathers #LLS
over 7 years ago, ERIC ANDRACKE
Two FMP groups coming together to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - Dodgeball Tournamet for charity.
over 7 years ago, ERIC ANDRACKE
Details on an upcoming information meeting for Science Olympiad available at this link See Mr. Koker for more details
over 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
Mr Andrackes construction class working on vinyl siding.
over 7 years ago, ERIC ANDRACKE
Schedule for the B.C.C Freshman Boys Basketball Tournament is now available. Click here for more information.
over 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
The schedule for the 2017 Lincoln Boys Varsity Basektball Thanksgiving Tournament is available here...
over 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
Bulldog TV will be streaming all Veteran's Day ceremonies this Friday. Watch at
over 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
Fall sports awards tomorrow night. Hope you can join us to recognize our outstanding athletes, including the State Champion Boys XC squad!
over 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School