Changes coming to Homecoming Week at Mahomet-Seymour High School as the annual Homecoming Parade moves to Wednesday.
almost 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
Earth Science skyping with, Mahomet alum and current MIT PhD. Candidate, Michael Campion about renewable energy sources last Friday.
almost 7 years ago, Michael Burner
Pound, Volleyball, Basketball, and Balloon Tag before the SAT to help our Juniors get their brains engaged before the big test!
almost 7 years ago, Brian Kusnerick
Juniors activating their brains before the SAT
The High School Horticulture Class invites you to join them for a DIY Fairy Garden Class on April 24th. See flyer for details.
almost 7 years ago, Chris Forman
Fairy Garden Flyer
Check out the Physical Education Polar Heart Rate video created by Mr. Anderson's Digital Multimedia class.
about 7 years ago, Chris Forman
Construction students display their completed table projects. #lookwhatImade
about 7 years ago, ERIC ANDRACKE
Beauty And The Beast tickets go on sale to the public starting 3/16. Visit Don't delay!
about 7 years ago, Sra Ericson
Final stages for this custom farmhouse table project.
about 7 years ago, ERIC ANDRACKE
Students in Health Education learn how to use the life-saving AED with the new trainer machine. This machine was donated to us by the Mahomet-Seymour Education Foundation.
about 7 years ago, Lisa Martin
Construction Table Assembly
about 7 years ago, ERIC ANDRACKE
Team Andracke enjoys a pasta party donated by Olive Garden. This is a reward for raising the most money in our FMP fubdraiser to benenfit Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
about 7 years ago, Lisa Martin
Mock trial happening today in health class. The case is based on a trial concernng tobacco companies advertising to teenagers. Great way to learn dangers of tobacco use.
about 7 years ago, Lisa Martin
Congratulations to our musical cast! To see the entire list of the cast, visit: Crew list coming soon!
about 7 years ago, Sra Ericson
Don't forget V Show this week! Tickets are just $5.00 and can be bought at the door or at
about 7 years ago, Sra Ericson
V Show 2018
Don't forget V Show this week! Tickets are just $5.00 and can be bought at the door or at
about 7 years ago, Sra Ericson
Wrestling hosting Charleston, Lincoln, and Mt. Zion has been rescheduled for Friday January 19 6:00p start and it will be Senior Night
about 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
Girls Basketball @ Effingham has been rescheduled for tomorrow 1/13 Freshman at 10a Junior Varsity at 11:30a Varsity at 1p 7:45a bus time
about 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
All evening extra-curricular events are cancelled for Thursday January 11 2018 After-school practices will conclude no later than 5:30pm
about 7 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour High School
Virtual Reality Fieldtrips in Ag!
about 7 years ago, Chris Forman
Tickets for Variety Show are now available online.
about 7 years ago, Sra Ericson