1st Grade Engineering Lab
over 5 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
1st grade.
Pre K Drive In Theater
over 5 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Ms. Mickey's Class
2nd grade Earth Day Project
over 5 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
2nd grade
Very busy
1st grade field trip shakes and quakes
over 5 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
1st grade
1st grade
Dental Health with Dr. White
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Dental Health with Dr. White
Party Cart!
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Thanks to our awesome Interventionist for setting up the Friday party cart and showing some love to our staff.
Pre K Eggdrop
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Ms. Mickey’s class
100 Days in the Books!
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
100 years old
100 Lunches Together
Love the rollers
Curriculum Night
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Our guided reading presenters rockin it
2019-20 KiMiddletown Prairie Elementary Kindergarten 2019-2020 Class Parent Informational Meeting Thursday, March 7, 2019 6:00-6:30 PM Gymnasium
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Kindergarten 2019-20
His dream is profound for some his age!
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
This is one thoughtful young man.
Happy MLK Day
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Connecting our dreams to MLK
Just one of the many volunteers that visit our school weekly to make a difference for our kids. Thank you
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
1st grade writing project. Oh yeah
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
A snowman with a huge heart for 1st graders.
Let It Snow!
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Best packing snow ever!
Do you wanna build a snowman?
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
How to build a snowman.
PTO Meeting, Janury 17th 6:00 MPE. All are invited to attend.
almost 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Concessions followed by 240 Kindergarteners needing to use the restroom.
about 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Kindergarten trip to the Polar Express
about 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Kindergarten at the movies
Instructional Coach Kim Johnson coming back with our “Next Steps in Guided Reading”
about 6 years ago, Wendy Starwalt
Kim Johnson with Jan Richardson