New game added for Freshman Baseball who now will host Normal Community on Tuesday May 2. 5:00p first pitch at 13 Acres Park.

Next Tuesday (4/25) Varsity Softball hosting IVC will be a Double Header to make-up the contest weathered out on 3/30. 5:00p start time.

Mr. Burner's earth science students are ready for Bullfog Pride.

Robotics Club students preparing bulldog decals to give out to visitors at Bulldog Pride this Monday night. Come out and get one!

Congrats to the WYSE, Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering, team who took 1st place in State today at the U of I.

Summer Camp Flyers and Information posted as available at the following link: http://www.mahometseymour.org/o/high-school/browse/9149

Horticulture Students will be at Bulldog Pride to display their hardwork. You can also purchase plants. Bulldog Pride 4/24 6-8pm

MSHS Robotics is pleased to be presenting this year's project at Bulldog Pride. Here's a bit of a preview.

Students will represent Science Olympiad with their robot project at Bulldog Pride.
Monday April 24th - See you there!!

Bulldog Pride is less than a week away, come out and see this project. Made by juinior Riley Fortune.

Juniors: Come to the gym tomorrow @ 745 to improve your ACT score by participating in some fun activities. Sign up in the gym!

Congrats to the FFA Horticulture team on placing 2nd overall and 4 members in the top 10! @MSHSBulldogs

Mahomet Seymour FFA officers Noah Benedict & Jaden Klaus maximizing their potential at the Illinois Farm Bureau leadership conference!

Make-up no dress day tomorrow in PE for any student who took one during the 3rd quarter. Before or after school

Ag business students on the WCIA morning show promoting their plant sale! Great job!

Buy your yearbook at www.jostensyearbooks.com before Saturday's price increase. Contact Stacy Carolan with questions.

Bulldog Pride is just two weeks away. See you there! 6-8pm in the high school gym.

Prom tickets are on sale this week (4/10-4/13) during all three lunch periods. $50.00 per person.

Girls Soccer schedule update:
The April 3 date @ URBANA has been rescheduled to April 17. 4:30p JV start time with Varsity to follow.

And finally...(for now)
The May 9 SENIOR NIGHT game with MATTOON will now be a 5:00p VARSITY start time with JV to follow.