Homecoming Spirit Week continues with Tropical Tuesday!
over 6 years ago, Jamie Colbert
Get ready for HOCO 2018 Spirit Week! Merry Monday is up first! Wear your favorite holiday gear!
over 6 years ago, Jamie Colbert
MSHS StuCo Exec Board
Congrats to our FFA Land Use team for placing 3rd overall as a team in the Section. Michael Myerscough, Joey Sullivan and Hunter Crowe placed in the top 11 overall individuals!
over 6 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour Ag Dpt
Top placings
Soils team
Congrats to our FFA Land Use team for placing 3rd overall as a team in the Section. Michael Myerscough, Joey Sullivan and Hunter Crowe placed in the top 11 overall individuals!
over 6 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour Ag Dpt
over 6 years ago, Simon Anderson
Really liked walking through our gym and reading this great message.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Martin
Message in Gym
MSHS Girls CC placed 17th out of 64 teams at the Peoria ND Invite. Sims and McGrath in top 60. Sole Sisters were the first 2A team to place in Varsity meet!
over 6 years ago, Kristin Allen
MSHS Sole Sisters
over 6 years ago, Simon Anderson
Another beautiful view this morning in our back yard 2018 MSHS Girls Cross Country
over 6 years ago, Kristin Allen
Catch varsity volleyball action live on Bulldog TV tonight at 7pm vs Normal U-high https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/mahometseymour-high-school-mahomet-il/gam5c3a1df34d
over 6 years ago, Simon Anderson
Great job MSHS Forestry team!
over 6 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour Ag Dpt
FFA forestry team at Allerton Park
over 6 years ago, Simon Anderson
SENIORS: Take 15 minutes to watch this video. Seriously. If you are planning to go to college after you graduate, you will want to be familiar with this information! https://youtu.be/h7p8iaeEV1A
over 6 years ago, Tim Lybarger
Mock trial day in health class. Students learn information on smoking and its health effects through this fun activity.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Martin
Intro to Ag students learning about African wildlife from MS AG alum Jessica Hammack and her experiences with her Wildlife expedition!
over 6 years ago, Mahomet-Seymour Ag Dpt
Showing students about how to tell if an elephant is left or right handed
Explaining about her experience in a Rhino habitat
SENIORS: All requests to meet with representatives from various colleges are now being taken online. Please sign up using your school email/Google account. http://mshscounselors.com/collegereps/index.html
over 6 years ago, Tim Lybarger
MSHS yearbook students worked on team building today with an outside activity.
over 6 years ago, Stacy Carolan
Yearbook Team Building
over 6 years ago, Simon Anderson
What a view! A regular occurrence for the MSHS Girls Cross Country team during their morning runs.
over 6 years ago, Kristin Allen
Girls CC Morning Run View @ LOW
MSHS picture day is set for Friday, August 31st. Students should get pictures taken during study hall or PE time. Pictures can be ordered at Inter-State.com/ORDER using code: 30165JA. Contact Stacy Carolan at Scarolan@ms.k12.il.us with questions.
over 6 years ago, Stacy Carolan