Check this Heart Rate graph out from Boxercise in P.E. Who said interval workouts can't be fun? There was no running during this workout, only boxing skills! It is all about Activity Choice!

Mrs. Clark’s Biology classes are utilizing the small group rooms in the MSHS Library to rotate through classmates’ presentations on biomes.

Tonight the World Language department inducted new members to the French and Spanish National Honor Societies. We are so proud of the hard work these students put in our language classes. ¡Felicidades!

MSHS Interact along with Mahomet Rotary planted trees this morning at MPE! Fun morning!

Our future health care professionals!!

Future medical professionals

Medical career students visiting parkland health careers open house!

Congrats to the First place FFA Ag Sales Team in the Section! Michael Myerscough won the event overall as an individual and Joey Sullivan was 8th overall! Way to go!

4th hour honored Sam Bush! ¡Qué creativos!

3rd hour is creative too!

Spanish III, IV and AP are making ofrendas for Día de Los muertos today. Here’s 1st hour’s ofrenda. ¡Buen trabajo!

Ag students welcomed Brian Dahlke from Pioneer to explain hybrid development and its uses in their marketplace during their Agronomy unit! Great fun!

The MSHS Choirs were honored to work with guest conductor Dr. Franklin Gallo from Parkland College this morning!

Halloween fun in PE today

Some of the teachers’ kids got to witness some ghostly chemistry experiments this morning. Thanks to the chemistry department for entertaining them.

Junior High Principal Nathan Mills announced a landscape design project today to the Horticulture students! The winning design project will be implemented at the Junior High. Details to come! We are busy creating in HS Horticulture!

MSHS Veterans Day Assembly - Monday, November 12.
Veterans interested in attending the breakfast and assembly should register here: https://sites.google.com/ms.k12.il.us/stuco/home

Ag students learned about Scott White’s adventures in Beekeeping today from the Urbana Country Club! Great experience!

Fall play’s seniors are anxiously awaiting to entertain you at the performances of I Don’t Have A Clue, November 9-11. Tickets on sale now at mshsdrama.booktix .com

Girls Cross Country Sole Sisters Pumpkin Painting Competition after our morning goals and run. Of course we timed their painting.