Due to forecast weather conditions Mahomet-Seymour High School is postponing ALL activities, both contests and practices, for Saturday Janaury 19, and Sunday January 20. The Mahomet-Seymour Fieldhouse will be CLOSED for public access hours on Sunday.

https://youtu.be/7r_7jtFOWEs Follow this link to tonight's live broadcast of MSHS wrestling vs Champaign Central and Pontiac. First dual at 6pm.

Exploration of careers in Agriculture! Thanks to all the business support for this great event.

Colleges are here and students are visiting and learning more about what’s offered in the field of Agriculture!

Session one of the Dale Carnegie Leadership Training for students is underway! Thanks Mrs. Wherley for organizing the event this evening for all our students!

PE and Biology collaborated today for a Exercise and Heart Rate Cellular Respiration Lab

Parkland ETA Info Meeting

Our very own Sara Eaton surprised as she's presented the Teacher of the Month award from Mix 94.5 and Rick Ridings in Monticello. Congrats Sara MSHS is so proud of you!

Reminder: AP test registration ends Thursday. https://mahomet.revtrak.net/HS-Menu/

Attention V Show Cast!! Act 1 here Weds at 6:30. Act 2 here at 7:30. Report to Green Room until your act is up!! Yay!!

Course selection for the 2019-2020 school year is underway and will be completed by the end of the month. Follow the link for more details: http://mshscounselors.com/articles/courseselect/index.html

A reminder that tonight's Junior Varisty and Varsity Boys Basketball games versus Washington are scheduled for a 5:30p Junior Varsity and 7:00p Varsity start.

Bulldog boys basketball hosts Washington tonight at 7:30. Watch the game live at this link: https://youtu.be/vUeVSMmORlU

Come see this year’s Variety Show! General admission tickets now available at www.mshsdrama.booktix.com

Bulldog wrestling hosts Effingham and Mattoon tonight starting at 6pm. Order is Eff vs M-S, Eff vs Matt, Matt vs M-S. Watch it live here: https://youtu.be/xGV1IQpI04A

Senior Manufacturing Project almost completed. #ibuiltthis

2018-2019 Yearbooks are still available for purchase. If you haven't reserved your copy, go to www.jostensyearbooks.com.
Email Stacy Carolan at Scarolan@ms.k12.il.us with any questions.

Families with 12th graders: Did you know that we have several scholarship opportunities posted year round? Visit www.mshscounselors.com for more info. Specifically, take a look at the Fisher National Bank Scholarship op, due Feb. 1.

Variety Show results are in! Use the link or see the Green Room door for all the exciting details!!

Lady Bulldog basketball hosts the Effingham Hearts tomorrow night. 7:30 tipoff. Are you subscribed to the BTV youtube channel? If so you can set a reminder to be notified when the stream starts! https://youtu.be/DyI9vMWleRc